What Chemicals do Filtration Processes Remove/Reduce?
Single media filters, typically constituting
carbon or sand, absorb impurities from water, through both physical
and chemical processes, as the water passes through the
filter cartridge. Single media filters will generally remove
undesirable tastes, colors, and odors from water as well as
such chemicals as hydrogen sulfide, radon, chlorine, volatile
organic compounds (VOCs),
pesticides, and benzene (Ramstorp, 2003). Drinking water filters
will also remove lead and other chemicals transferred from plumbing
systems to water. Filtration is the only water purification
process that will remove chlorine and chlorine byproducts from
water. It is also the only water purification process that reliably
and completely removes harmful pesticides from water. Single
media filters will not remove mineral compounds from water.
The true power of the filtration process lies in multimedia
filtration technology. By using multimedia
filters, select minerals can be retained in water while
more harmful or useless minerals and chemicals can be removed.
The magic of multimedia filters lies in their use of chemical
processes, as well as physical processes for the removal of
undesirable ground and surface water contents. As more media
elements are added to the filter cartridge, the filter is able
to remove more of the dangerous mineral contents. Multimedia
filter cartridges can remove such harmful mineral deposits and
chemical additives as arsenic and fluoride from drinking water.
Though arsenic levels are generally low in most ground and surface
water, the mineral can be deadly. Fluoride, while useful in
maintaining healthy teeth, is a reactive and dangerous chemical
that should be taken with care.
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