Shower Filters
The use of shower
filters has risen dramatically in the last
couple of decades as the cosmetic benefits of the devices
have been realized. Shower filters are designed to remove
chlorine as well as other harmful synthetic chemicals and
VOCs from showering water. They attach directly to the shower
faucet outlet and are effective at removing unwanted chemicals
at up to approximately 115 degrees. Most shower filters involve
a two-step process in which water first flows through a granular
copper/zinc media. This stage is designed to remove chlorine
and restore the natural pH balance of the water. In the second
stage of filtration, the water flows through a carbonized,
coconut shell medium which eliminates synthetic chemicals
and VOCs.
The cosmetic benefits of using a shower filter are obvious to anyone who has ever experienced the harshness of chlorinated water. The removal of chlorine from showering water guarantees softer skin and hair as the body is able to maintain and replenish its natural, moisturizing oils. Also, chlorine removal allows for less frequent use of expensive lotions and conditioners because skin and hair is naturally softer and healthier.
Although the cosmetic benefits of the removal of chlorine from showering water are already enough to warrant the use of shower filters, the truly beneficial aspect of chlorine removal concerns health. For a large portion of users, shower filters can initiate significant improvements in respiratory health. Chlorine and other synthetic chemicals in water vaporize at a much faster rate than simple water molecules. As one showers, these harmful chemicals quickly become gaseous and are easily inhaled. Once inhaled, these chemicals are particularly insidious. They can cause or aggravate asthma and other respiratory problems.
When chlorine is removed from showering water, this aggravation no longer occurs.
Shower filters are equally important, if not more important, than drinking water filters. When chlorine vapors are inhaled, the chlorine enters directly into the blood stream without the partial filtering effects of the digestion process. A warm shower also enlarges the pores in skin and allows for absorption of chlorine into the body through these pores. Absorption of chlorine through the skin can cause significant skin problems. Thus, showering in chlorinated water is much more dangerous than drinking that same water.