Introduction - The Value of Drinking Water
Water is a vital part of both our environment and our body systems. It covers nearly three quarters of the earths surface and makes up between 60 and 70% of the human body matter. It is an essential component of nearly everything we eat and drink.
Water intake is crucial to our survival. For example, drinking
ample amounts of water has been tied to general good health.
Also, water can be a specific antidote to some of the more troubling
and inconvenient health problems, such as obesity and many types
of cancer. Water has the potential to be one of the most useful
and cost-effective medicinal substances available.
Unfortunately, dangerous chemicals, organic materials, and bacteria
contaminate much of the water we drink. When combined with these
elements, water, crucial to our survival as it is, can present
a significant health risk. Despite several governmental efforts
to clean, purify, and provide safer sources of water, dangerous
contaminants continue to be present in our drinking water. These
contaminants, many of which are undetectable by sight or taste,
can lead to diseases ranging from asthma to the debilitating
Parkinsons disease.
Being informed about water contaminants and their adverse health
effects allows one to actively protect himself and his family
members. Water can be an incredibly valuable resource when one
knows how to use it. What follows is a guide to some of the
more significant and dangerous water contaminants, including
their presence and threat in common drinking water and their
potential for adverse health effects. Read on to learn what
may be in your drinking water, and how you can protect yourself
and your family from dangerous contaminants.
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